Join in for this fun annual tradition! Starting the day before Thanksgiving through January 1st, individuals, families or groups are invited to participate in a unique and fun scavenger hunt! Your goal is to find and take a digital photo of as many of the decorated trees as possible in Chelmsford’s open space properties and vie for the coveted Amazing Decorated Winter Tree Scavenger Hunt Trophy.
The Amazing Decorated Winter Tree Scavenger Hunt is designed to introduce people to natural (and free) resources in the Town of Chelmsford. These open space properties are great places to walk, jog, bike, fish, canoe, bird watch, geocache, snow shoe, and more. Great for kids!!
This special event is planned by the Chelmsford Open Space Stewardship. Click here for tree locations. To participate, name your team, find a tree, take a photo of your team with the tree, and email your photo with team name to
All ages
More Info
Events are subject to change. Please confirm prior to attending.