
Chelmsford Mothers' Club

Established in 1996 in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, the Chelmsford Mothers' Club is a non-profit organization that serves as a means for parents to share their experiences, find companionship, and receive information about parenting and child development. It also provides an outlet for personal growth. The club consists of mothers of infants and young children. We have monthly meetings with guest speakers and social activities. We also host special activities for children as well as family outings.

Motherhood can be an extremely rewarding experience, and it can also be a very challenging one. As mothers, we are constantly faced with questions and concerns about how we can best care for our children. Although we usually revel in the everyday joys of mothering, at times we can also feel isolated and frustrated. It is because of these moments, that the Chelmsford Mothers' Club was created. We welcome you to contact us for more information or to sign up! 

Annual Membership Fee: $25