Great Summer Toy: Hyper Toss from Moose Toys for Age 8+
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By Barbara Evangelista, Publisher
June 15, 2016
The timing couldn't have been better. School ends next week for my three kids, aged 9, 11 and 13, and I've been gathering info and supplies for outdoor and active things to do because they spend WAY too much time on their devices. And what should arrive in the mail for my family to play with and review? The brand new Hyper Toss game from Moose Toys! My kids could barely get the package open fast enough, and there was much carrying on when I asked them to wait on the unboxing until I could grab my iPad to record it (see my video below).
Hyper Toss is an electronic quick catch ball game for kids age 8 and up. It includes four different games:
- Memory Toss (my daughter's favorite!): Follow the sequence of colors -- it gets harder!
- Hyper Toss: Catch the ball 15 times in the correct-colored cup and do it as quickly as possible!
- Super Toss: Catch the ball in the correct-colored cup AND toss the ball as high as you can every 10 catches
- Freestyle: Try all different kinds of tosses and catches, play with a partner

The age recommendation for Hyper Toss is right on. My 11-year-old fumbled for a few minutes until she figured out the technique (see the video) but then had a blast racking up Hyper Toss scores and beating the Memory Toss challenges. She's working on all kinds of fancy catches -- tossing it high and spinning before catching, even trying a few hacky sack moves by bouncing the ball (which is very similar to a hacky sack) off her knee and catching it again. My 9-year-old is still focused on getting his hand-eye coordination in gear so that he can reliably catch the ball, so he's benefiting from the Freestyle mode. In Freestyle, the game plays catchy music and offers frequent audio encouragement -- "That's it!", "Way to go!" -- which is just what he needs. Every time he plays, he does a better job catching, and I love to see his skills develop. He'll be ready for Hyper Toss and Memory Toss within a few days.Hyper Toss is especially nice for kids of different ages who may have different playing styles. My daughter is super-competitive, and she's getting a kick out of challenging her friends to beat her Hyper Toss scores. But when she plays with my younger son, she's more collaborative and they've been coming up with fun ways to toss the ball back and forth. (Ah, playing nicely together, outside, being active -- a mother's dream!)
On Sunday, when it was rainy and windy, my daughter played with it indoors too. The ball is soft and kids tend to toss it just a foot or so in the air with the Hyper Toss and Memory Toss games, so indoor play is fine. The Super Toss game is probably best played outside though, so kids can throw the ball as high as they want.I'm very happy to have Hyper Toss in my supply of summer outside toys!See a video of two of my kids learning to play with Hyper Toss and trying the different games: Toss is available at major retailers but it's brand new so it may not be in stock everywhere. If you see it, grab it because it's bound to be a great seller. The suggested retail price is $19.99. Two AA demo batteries are included (and, for us, have lasted for hours of play -- bonus!).I received this product free for the purpose of writing this review. All opinions expressed are my own and those of my family.