
Family Night Fun! Stories by the Candle-fire

By Melissa Hucal December 17, 2014
Stories around the fire are a classic way to spend your next family night!

Sure, it may be too cold for a campfire outdoors, but who says you can't light some candles indoors, turn out the lights and spend the evening telling stories by the "candle" fire? (This may even call for a little popcorn!)

Each person can tell their own story or create a family story by taking turns to complete a scene.

Use story starters to help when someone gets stuck. Here are a few that you can use, or create a list of your own:
A long time ago in a far off land, a princess ...

One day the animals began to talk ...

During the time of the dinosaurs ...

I should have stayed in bed …

And, of course, the old standby

It was a dark and stormy night …

You'll have a great time connecting with one another while sharing some laughs and perhaps even creating a story that will be passed down through your family for generations!